Exterior view of Benesse House Museum and installation view of Hiroshi Sugimoto, Time Exposed, 1980-97 Left: Benesse House Beach, overlooking the Inland Sea. Right: The view from Benesse House Park. A Naoshima native collecting sea delicacies. Left: Looking outwards towards the Inland Sea. Right: Cultural Melting Bath: Project for Naoshima, Cai Guo-Qiang (1998) Tucked beneath Tadao Ando’s monumental staircase is Walter de Maria’s Seen/Unseen Known/Unknown (2000). Left: Detail from the Chichu Art Museum. Right: Seen/Unseen Known/Unknown, Walter De Maria (2000) Tadao Ando’s Benesse House Park. Left: A James Turrell drawing inside Benesse House Beach. Right: Outdoor furniture at Benesse House Beach Bruce Nauman 100 Live and Die, 1984 at the Benesse House Museum. Lee Ufan Museum A quiet moment overlooking the Inland Sea from Benesse House Beach. Left: The Secret of the Sky, Kan Yasuda (1996) Right: Time/Timeless/No Time, Walter de Maria (2004) Dan Graham’s Cylinder Bisected by Plane (1995) Hiroshi Sugimoto – Coffin of Light, 2009