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The Museum of Private Collections

Art In Exile

Today, tens of millions of artworks are stored away in storage facilities and countless more are hanging inside private homes. We believe collecting is not a mere act of amassing. We launched Collecteurs to make it easy for collectors to digitize, manage and exhibit their collections without needing the capital to open a private museum.

We Are Bringing the World’s Unseen Art Back into Culture

Art is meant to be seen, experienced, and discussed. Today collectors understand that they have a social responsibility to keep their art accessible, but they lack the space and the platform to do this. Even the collectors who have a dedicated exhibition space or a private museum are only able reach limited local audiences. Collecteurs is a digital museum created for private collections that not only provides collectors professional solutions to manage and showcase their collections, but also reach global audiences, all without needing the capital to open a private museum. By fostering the cultural value of art and not just the asset value, our community of collectors generate important dialogues to address pressing issues in the world today.

The Museum of Private Collections

We facilitate collaboration between collectors and provide unrivaled privacy to our members. With our Off-the-record cryptography, our members’ private data is only visible to them and is not even accessible to us as the platform owners. We give curators, and the public at large, access for research, education, and exhibition purposes. Through our editorial component, we cover genuine stories and ideas that inspire audiences and promote social change.

© 2024 Collecteurs. All Rights Reserved


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