The short experimental video examines the network of apparatuses that Israel used to orchestrate its emergence.
It focuses primarily on survey photographs of A -Jaleel captured between 1947 and 1948, which preceded Israel's 1951 National Masterplan. With their manipulative framing and captions, these photographs portray the landscape as "empty." However, they were taken concurrently with ethnic cleansing military operations such as Plan Dalet, Operation Dekel, and others, which aimed to empty the land of Palestinians.
As the film declares, "These photos are not survey photographs" but fictional productions embodying Zionist ideals and aspirations.
The film intervenes in these photographs by narrating moments across time. These moments emerge from research into Palestinian testimonies and archives.
With these narrations, it seeks to delve beneath the infrastructures of fiction constructed by Zionist architecture, media, and discourse. Instead, focusing on a singular truth: the existence of Palestinians and their struggle against a settler colonial project in which everything is military.